The ACOM 2100 is a complete and self-contained linear amplifier that covers all amateur bands from 1.8 through 54 MHz and provides over 1500 W PEP or continuous carrier output power with less than 85 W exciter drive.
Easy to operate
The TRI (True Resistance Indicator) is a powerful tuning aid that, together with the 2:1 TUNE and LOAD caps verniers and the automatically controlled input attenuator, helps the operator to quickly and precisely match the antenna impedance to the optimum tube load impedance (5-10 seconds typically). The AUTO-OPERATE function (when enabled) maintains the amplifier in the OPERATE mode for you, thus avoiding unnecessary manual operations.
No external antenna tuner needed
No heavy outboard antenna tuners required for antenna SWR up to about 3:1 (and higher on some bands). Your amplifier will enable you to change antennas virtually instantaneously and allow you to use your antennas over wider frequency ranges.
User-friendly and durable
An amplifier that is both user-friendly and that looks after itself. It is designed to safely withstand up to 400 W reflected power, up to 100 milliseconds duration of drive spikes, drive RF "tails" after a PTT or KEY release, operator's inadvertent tuning errors, etc. The amplifier also will not cease to function with a "soft" AC mains and will deliver more than half power at only 85% of nominal mains voltage. It can withstand voltage drops (down to zero Volts) for up to 10 milliseconds and can tolerate 15% mains voltage spikes, which is especially important on Field Day, during DXpeditions, and at portable operating events where emergency power is relied upon.
OLED comment display
All amplifier status indications are explained via detailed text displayed on the high brightness and contrast OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display. The upper line on the OLED always reads peak forward power. LED indicators are provided for: OPERATE mode, attenuation-on (ATT), transmit (TX), selected antenna output (1, 2, or 3), and ON/OFF conditions
Three antenna outputs
Three antenna outputs are selectable using a push-button on the front panel.
Less noise in the shack
The input bypassing and vacuum antenna relays are virtually silent even in the CW QSK mode thanks to specially designed mounting hardware.
Efficient tuning
Less QRM and improved Electro Magnetic Compatibility during tuning. Amplifier tuning can be achieved in less than 10 seconds at a quarter of nominal output power.
The amplifier operates without special signals from the transceiver - "Ground on TX" (PTT) and 85 W RF drive power are sufficient.
Broadband input matching
Resulting in a very good load to the transceiver over the entire spectrum from 1.8 MHz up to 54 MHz.
Single tube operation
Uses a single 4CX1000A/8168 ceramic and metal radial beam tetrode with plate dissipation of 1000 W (forced air cooled, grid-driven), which is specifically designed for class AB1 RF linear amplifier operation.
Tube protection
Permanent monitoring and protection of plate and grid voltages and currents, reflected power as well as of the exhaust air temperature. The Bias Optimizer decreases the heat dissipated from the tube, and there is automatic protection against overheating in accordance with specifications of the tube manufacturer.
Output RF arc protection
Output RF arc protection is employed. This important feature safeguards the amplifier, antenna, antenna selector, and tuner against severe damage in case of possible breakdown.
High voltage protection
High voltage power supply inrush current limitation. This feature reduces the risk to sensitive devices connected to the same mains circuit (important when used portable) when the amplifier is turned on. The amplifier can be configured for 8 different nominal line voltages: 100, 110, 120, 200, 210, 220, 230, or 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz.
Continuous monitoring and/or selectable measurement
Continuous monitoring and/or selectable measurement of the 12 most important parameters of the amplifier, exciter, and the selected antenna via OLED display.
Easy maintenance
Data regarding amplifier internal status is stored in a nonvolatile memory for 7 of the most recent auto protection trips. This information can be forwarded to your dealer for diagnostics. Using an EXCEL application (available from ACOM or your dealer free of charge) and a PC you can decode the signatures by yourself, too.
The User's Manual is available as a PDF file only. The latest version of the User's Manual is available under the Download tab (see above).
Warranty terms
The ACOM Terms of Business (General Conditions of Sale and General Service Conditions) are available as PDF files under the Support -> Terms of Business menu.
By purchasing ACOM products, the Customer (Dealer or End User) declares acceptance of the above-mentioned ACOM Terms of Business.
Frequency Coverage
Power Output
Intermodulation Distortion
Hum and noise
Harmonic Output Suppression
Input and Output Impedances
RF Gain
Mains Power Supply Voltage
Mains Power Consumption
Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Size & Weight (operating, excluding connected cables)
Shipping Size & Weight
Operating environments
Brochures & Manuals
ACOM 2100 Brochure | July 2022 | PDF file
ACOM 2100 User's Manual | March 2016 | PDF file
ACOM Product Catalog | October 2023 | PDF file
ACOM 2100 Hard Faults Signatures Converter Tool | December 2017 | ZIP file
NEW for ACOM Enthusiasts and Admirers:
ACOM 2100 Wallpaper image 1920x1080 dpi | JPG file